Enabling Permissions for the BridgeHaul App (Track & Trace)

Enabling Permissions for Sunbelt Load Track & Trace

  1. If it’s your first time signing in, you’ll be prompted to enable permissions—allow ALL PERMISSIONS to ensure the app has uninterrupted connectivity
  2. To enable Locations Services correctly, select from the following prompts:
    1. Select Precise and Allow all the time
    2. Select Allow to enable access to your Physical Activity (this enables tracking while in-motion)

Important Notes: 

  • Location sharing with Sunbelt will only be allowed on individual-load basis; your activity will NOT be shared in perpetuity
  • Select “Allow” when asked to access to your physical activity

3.  Once logged into the BridgeHaul app—you'll see four panels—NavigationHoSDVIR and Loads

  • The Navigation module enables routing to your preferred destination, while also serving as a Truck Stop Locator; even if you are not a BridgeHaul Fuel customer, you can still view the BridgeHaul prices for in-network stops and retail prices for out of network stations
  • Loads will be the most important and relevant section for Sunbelt carriers and drivers, as that’s where you’ll manage Sunbelt loads, update duty status, and manage load-specific documentation
  • HOS (Hours of Service) and DVIR (Driver Vehicle Inspection Report) are customer-specific sections of the app and only relevant for BridgeHaul ELD customers—helping them manage compliance and related reports (though you’ll have access to these modules, no data will be available)

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