Add/Remove A Defect

1. From the DVIR Details Page, use the Date Slider at the top of the page to locate the date with the DVIR in question (it defaults to the current day)

A screenshot of a device

Description automatically generated

2. Click the Defects Button

A screenshot of a device

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3. Use the tabs to select Tractor or Trailer options  

A screenshot of a device

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4. Click Into The Equipment that needs editing, Add or Remove the defect and then hit Submit

A screenshot of a black screen

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5. Hit Save to record changes and return to the DVIR page

A screenshot of a device

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6. Toggle a Defect SwitchA white circle on an orange rectangle

Description automatically generated  to indicate whether or not that defect has been repaired (R) or "Repair not required for safe operation of vehicle" (N).  This selection will be shown in the DVIR inspection mode as either "Corrected" or "Need Not Be Corrected"

A screenshot of a device

Description automatically generated