How to upload and submit an invoice in the Mobile App.

This article walks you through the process of uploading and submitting invoices via the Mobile App.

Step 1. Log into the BridgeHaul mobile app.

Step 2. Navigate to the "Loads" section located at the bottom right corner of the screen.


Step 3. Choose "Invoice Submission" at the top and proceed to fill out all the necessary information. (refer to the green arrows)

a. Add New Load: Complete all the necessary information indicated in the green square. The remaining information is optional.

b. Bill-To-Party: To choose from a list, click on the drop-down menu. If this is your first time working with this Broker, you will need to add them to your list. To add a new Bill-To-Party, you can search for the broker using their MC/DOT or Name & State. Select the details and then click on "Request Connection".


Step 4: After completing all the necessary information, you will now have the option to add documents.


Step 5. Please complete all the necessary details and then proceed to upload your document by either taking a picture or selecting it from your gallery. Finally, click on the save button. Repeat this process until you have submitted all of your required paperwork.

Step 6. After successfully uploading the required documents, click on "Proceed To Payout".

Step 7. Specify your preferred method of payment, ensuring that it totals 100%, and then click "Submit". Congratulations! You have now successfully submitted your invoice.