First login to your Carrier TMS: Carrier TMS
To request a fuel advance, please start by logging into your Carrier TMS Account. Link below and above.
Housekeeping Items
- Fuel Advances Hours: Monday through Saturday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm EST.
- We advance 40% of the Load Rate with a maximum advance of $2500.00.
- The fee for any advance is only 1% of the rate or Minimum $10.00.
- Payout methods include Instant Pay and Fuel Card. However, If you prefer the Instant Pay option for your fuel advance, there will be an additional charge of $15 on top of the 1%. Fuel Card you will only be charged the 1%.
- Fuel Advance invoices must be submitted for factoring within 10 days of delivery. Failure to do so will result in a full chargeback, without any exceptions.
Creating a Fuel Advance to submit.
First, you would go to Factoring tab within your Carrier Dashboard and click on "Fuel Advance".
Then click on "+ Add Fuel Advance" button.
Step 1: Enter in Load Information
You will need to enter the load information manually. You will Click on the Plus Button, to create a the new fuel advance load.
When you click on the Plus Button a new window will appear, and you will need to enter your load information.
- Required Fields
- Origin- City and State or Full Address
- Destination- City and State or Full Address
- Linehaul Amount- Amount showing on the Rate Sheet
- Load Ref #- The reference number on the rate sheet
- Optional Fields
- Fuel Surcharge - A fuel fee that's charged in addition to the rate
- Add Driver
- Add any Accessorial- Anything you paid for that you would like reimbursement on
- Add any Deductions- Any advances taken from the Broker which you didn't pay for
Any deduction given to you by the broker (ie: fuel advance, lumper advance) you will need to deduct from your Total Linehaul Amount.
Click Save.
The load information should now be in the Load box.
Step 2: Choose your Bill-to Party and Enter Load Ref #
You will then need to enter your Bill-to Party and the Load Ref # again.
If you've already factored a load with this broker they will appear in the drop down list.
If your broker/customer doesn't appear at the drop down list, there will be a "+Add Bill-to Party" at the bottom of the drop down list.
When you click on "+ Add Bill-to Party" a new window will appear called "Search for Bill-to Party". You will need to enter in your customer information. You can search by the below criteria:
- MC #
- DOT #
You can also choose to search by Name, City, and State by clicking on the "Search by Name and State" button. After you enter the search criteria, click on the "Search" button. Search Results will appear.
The more information you provide the better, however we recommend that you search by MC# or DOT# . If your customer doesn't have a MC# or DOT# you can search by Name and State.
Click on the view details next to the appropriate customer name . Once you click view results you'll be able to see the Risk Score. A risk score that's above 90 and average day- to- pay is less than 40 days would be APPROVED.
Anything below the mandated criteria is at risk to not be funded . The factoring team will review in depth, and let you know if this invoice will be able to be funded.
To complete the process you have to click "Request Connection" button at the bottom of the screen.
You should now see that information in the "Bill-to Party" field.
You will now enter your Load Ref #. (Sometimes called Pro #, Freight Bill #, Reference #, PO#, Order #, etc.)
Step 3: Input Your Requested Amount
Enter in the amount your requesting for a fuel advance. Next to this box will show you want the max allowed is for this load.
Step 4: Select your Payout Method
You will now have the option to choose how you would like to receive your fuel advance funds.
- OnRoad Mastercard Fuel Card
- Instant Payout
After you select the payout method, you will be able to see the fees associated with the transaction you selected on the right side of the screen.
Step 5: Upload your Documents
You can now add your supporting documents. You should see a list documents that are required. Click on the " + Add Document" Button.
When you click on "+ Add Document" Button a new window called " Add New Document", will appear. You will need to first select which document you are uploading from the "Document Type" dropdown list. *Please note, this needs to match the required documents in order to get processed.* You will also input the "Document Date" (Use today's date).
You can upload your documents in three different ways:
- Drag and drop the document from your desktop.
- Click on the box to search your device/computer for the document you wish to add.
- Finally, if your driver already connected the document via mobile app it will already appear.
Once completed, you would click "Save"
You will do the above step for all documents that are required. Typically you will need the below documents for a Fuel Advance.
- Rate Confirmation Page
- BOL Signed by Shipper
Step 6: Save and Submit
After you have uploaded all the necessary documents, your screen will resemble the example below, and you are now ready to save your changes. To do this, simply click on the "Save" button.
If you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM). They will be more than happy to assist you.