Add a Vehicle

1.Log in to Carrier Dashboard

Log in to the carrier fleet management site at

If you forgot your password you can click "Forgot Password?" below the orange Login button to reset your password.  Note: you cannot log in using your driver email.        

Carrier TMS Login Screen-1

2. Adding Vehicles  

Once logged in, click on the Admin drop-down menu, and select Assets.    

Admin, Assets

On the Assets page in the top right, click the "Add Asset" orange button and select Vehicle. Enter vehicle details.

Note: make sure to capitalize the letters as they are shown on the VIN.

Set the "Status" to Assigned before you can select an Assigned Driver.  Drivers may also self-assign or unassign themselves in the mobile app.  

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

After all vehicle details are entered, click SUBMIT and your vehicle will be added.