1. To print driver logs, log in to your carrier account at carrier.bridgehaul.com.
2. Click on Driver Logs on the left side of the screen.
3. Click on a specific driver's name shown in blue in the Driver Logs table.
4. Click on the name of the driver for a specific date. If you are going to print a date range you can select any date.
5. Click on the Download PDF button at the top right of the log you want to print.
6. Select whether you want to print the current day log or you want to print logs for a specific historical date range. If you select Date Range, you will be prompted to enter in the start and end dates for the logs. You must select dates in the past. NOTE: You can only print up to 2 months of logs at one time. Once you click download, your logs will take several seconds to download at the bottom of your browser or your download folder on your computer.
7. Your downloaded logs should show up at the bottom of the screen in your browser as shown below if you are using Chrome browser.